Sunday, March 26, 2006The ValidationSummary Control (Chapter 3)The ValidationSummary control enables us to display all errors in a given location. It displays the “errorMessage” properties of respective controls in the summary report. Since the error messages are displayed in the summary, often we suppress the detailed error message in the individual ValidatorControls by placing an asterisk (*) or a short message right after the validator control’s start-tag. Major properties of the ValidationSummary control are the following:
Figure 3.62 illustrates the use of a ValidationSummary control. In our example, we have defined the ValidationSummary control as follows.
<asp:ValidationSummary id="valSummary" runat="server" headerText="Please correct the following errors" display="static" showSummary= "True" /> Figure 3.62 Using the ValidationSummary Control ![]() The complete code for the application is shown in Figure 3.63 Figure 3.63 The Complete Code for the Application (Validator8.aspx) <!—- Chapter3\Validator8.aspx —> <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %> <html><head</head> <title>Example on ValidationSummary control </title> <body><form runat="server"> Enter Your Name: <asp:TextBox id="txtName" rows="1" width="100" runat="server"/> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="validTxtName" runat="server" controlToValidate="txtName" errorMessage="Name must be entered" display="static">* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator></br> Hours worked? <asp:TextBox id="txtH" width ="60" runat="server" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator id="validTxtH" runat="server" controlToValidate="txtH" errorMessage="Hours must be entered" display="static">* </asp:RequiredFieldValidator> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="regvH" runat="server" display="static" controlToValidate="txtH" errorMessage="Hours must be 1-3 digits only" validationExpression="\d{1,3}">* </asp:RegularExpressionValidator></br> Hourly Rate? <asp:TextBox id="txtR" width ="60" runat="server" /> <asp:CompareValidator id="comvR" runat="server" display="static" controlToValidate="txtR" errorMessage="Rate must be numeric" type="Double" operator="DataTypeCheck">* </asp:CompareValidator></br> Number of Dependents: <asp:TextBox id="txtDependents" width ="60" runat="server" /> <asp:RangeValidator id="ranvDependents" runat="server" backcolor="salmon" forecolor="blue" bordercolor="green" borderstyle="Solid" borderwidth="5" font-bold="True" font-italic="True" font-size="14" height="20" tooltip="Cannot have more than 20 dependents." text="Bad Number. Must be less than 21" width="250" display="dynamic" controlToValidate="txtDependents" errorMessage= "Number of dependents must be from 0 to 20" type="Integer" minimumValue="0" maximumValue="10">* </asp:RangeValidator><br> What is your Department Number? <asp:TextBox id="txtDeptNum" width ="60" runat="server" /> <asp:CustomValidator id="cusvDeptNum" runat="server" display="dynamic" controlToValidate="txtDeptNum" onServerValidate="validateDeptNum" ClientValidationFunction="checkModTen" errorMessage= "Dept. Number must be a multiple of 10" >* </asp:CustomValidator><br> <asp:Button id="btnSubmit" runat="server" text="Submit"/><br><br> <asp:ValidationSummary id="valSummary" runat="server" headerText="Please correct the following errors" display="static" showSummary= "True" /><br> </form></body></html> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Sub validateDeptNum(source As Object, s as ServerValidateEventArgs) If (CInt(s.Value) Mod 10)=0 Then s.IsValid= True Else s.IsValid =False End If End Sub </script> <script language="javascript"> function checkModTen(source, s) { var y=parseInt(s.Value); if (isNaN(y) && !((y % 10) == 0)) s.IsValid=false; else s.IsValid=true; } </script> |
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