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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Using the DataGrid Control (Chapter 3)

The DataGrid Control happens to be the most versatile and powerful member of the data-bound control family. In addition to the functionalities offered by a DataList, the DataGrid control offers sorting and paging capabilities.We can employ its <AllowSorting> property to dynamically sort and re-display data on selection of a column header. In case of very large data source, we can use its <Allow Paging> property to display a selected page of data.
Essentially, a DataGrid control can be used to display bound data in tabular format. Each record in the data source is displayed as a row in the grid. By default, the data grid maps each field of the data source as a column in the grid. Obviously, we may override the default value of its AutoGenerateColumn property to display selected columns in a particular order. In this section, we will present five examples to demonstrate various features of a DataGrid.


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