Monday, January 23, 2006Converting Code into Multiple Languages(Chapter 1)
As supplied by Microsoft,ASP.NET and the .NET Framework consist of three main languages: JScript.NET,VB.NET, and C#. Other vendors have available or have announced many more, such as Perl.NET, COBOL.NET, and a version of Python.
JScript has been updated to be a full-fledged language and to take account of the object-oriented nature of .NET. Experienced JScript developers should feel very at home and be pleasantly surprised at the new additions. VB.NET replaces VBScript support, but is similar enough in operation that it isn’t too steep a learning curve for VBScript programmers, and as with Jscript above, it provides you with full access to all that .NET has to offer, including, for the first time, full object orientation. C# has been (perhaps unfairly) described as J++ mark 2.There is more to it than that. C# is effectively C++ built from scratch. The problems with C++ are well documented, so there is no need to go into them here, but suffice it to say that in C++, object orientation was an optional bolted-on afterthought, whereas in C#, it was built in from the ground up. All the functionality and support of the .NET Framework is available to any of the .NET languages, and in addition, objects written under one language can be used, inherited, and extended under any of the others. This is a very powerful concept and introduces the idea of language independence. This is achieved through the Common Language Runtime technology. The CLR takes your .NET language code and converts it into an intermediate language (Microsoft Intermediate Language [MSIL]), and this intermediate language is then compiled to target machine-specific binary code. The Intermediate Language specification is one of the many .NET technologies that have been submitted to standards bodies, and several projects are under way to transport the software over to non-windows platforms, such as Mono and Portable.NET in the open source community, and to developments from Corel and Borland. |
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